Create a Group Blog

When you log into Posterous, you want to click on the Manage link. Click the Create a new posterous… link to develop a new Posterous blog. Enter the desired group’s Site Name and Address. After choosing one, click the Check for availability link to ensure that no one has chosen it. If it’s available, you will get a note saying that the “Cool, this site address is good to go.” Press the Create New Site button to finish setting it up.

Create a Group Profile

There are different tabs to set up your group blog. The first tab you want to check out is the Group Profile. After clicking it, you will see that this is where you will setup your group profile. This will allow you to have a different name, photo, bio, and autoposting to social networking sites for your group than for you, individually. Add all the social networking sites that you want to automatically post your Posterous blog posts to. A new feature that the Posterous team added after our first post is the ability to pick and choose which sites you want to automatically be sent to when you are creating a new post.

Add Contributors

Next, head over to the Contributors tab. In here, you will be able to invite the people you want to be able to post to the group blog. The great thing about this is that you are able to have your group blog double as an email list to anyone listed in this Contributors tab. Press the Add contributors button. Posterous gives you the ability to import email address from Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, and Windows Live. Press the Add Contributors button. Your requests will be sent. The person will receive an email with a link that will allow them to add them to the group blog.

Customize Your Group Blog

Go to the Settings tab, you will be able to change the theme of your Posterous group blog by pressing Theme and customize my site button. If you want to add the Retweet button, then click the More Theme Options» link, which will give the check box to add that. If you want to further customize your Posterous group blog, and you know CSS and HTML, you can do so, by clicking the write your own CSS/HTML link. When you press the button, you are able to modify the header color, text, and image. Also, you can add the retweet the button in this area as well. After you make all the modifications that you need to do, then press the Update button.

Start Posting

Since the last time we wrote about Posterous, they have added other ways to post other than email, bookmarklet, or web. You are now able to post via your mobile phone or their new service Post.Ly. Post.Ly provides a way for you to post all types of things (e.g. images, videos, etc.) to Twitter. Additionally, because it’s Posterous, you can also have it post to your group blog.

New Features Added To Aid Groups

A new feature on this tab is the ability to integrate Feedburner with Posterous. All you have to do is add the link to the feedburner feed that you set up. If this group blog is going to be for a family, or a group who wants to keep their posts private, then you can modify the privacy by password protecting your site. Posterous has also added instructions on how to integrate Posterous with Google Buzz. Have you created a group blog using Posterous? Tell us about it.