In a nutshell Ninite is an app downloader and installer. However, it offers more than just a directory of apps to download. What makes Ninite special, is they take all the crap that most people done want — toolbars — and saves you from having to click next 50 times. Kinda makes you wish you got off your lazy butt and did created something like this doesn’t it?

What apps does it work with?

Most of the apps are open source software like Firefox, Skype, Chrome, VLC, GIMP and Filezilla. There are a lot of others too. The landing page is broken down into categories; web browsers, messaging, media, imaging, documents, security, runtimes, file sharing, utilities, other, compression and developer tools. In total, there are currently 71 different apps to download and install via Ninite.

How do you use it?

  1. I’m telling you, it’s super simple. Start by selecting one or more applications you’d like to install on your Windows computer. I am selecting CutePDF, Evernote, Defraggler and Recuva. (1 click if you are installing 1 app)

  2. Click on the big Get Installer button. Are you still waiting for the hard part? (Click 2)

  3. You will be taken to a screen showing all of the apps included in the installer you will be downloading.

  4. At the bottom of the screen—using Chrome—you will need to click to save the installer to your desktop. (Click 3)

  5. Go to where your files download to. You will see a new file that bears the Ninite logo. You will also notice the file name includes all of the apps you have chosen to download.

  6. Double click the installer to start the installation. (Click 4 and 5)

  7. On my netbook, I had to click one more popup to run the installer, you may not need to depending on your security settings. (Click 6)

You will then see a progress bar.

The whole installation is completely hands off. Go get that coffee refill or something. When you get back, everything will be done. Seriously, that’s all there is to it. Here are the desktop shortcuts created by the installer.

Something to note about using the free version of Ninite (yes there is a pro subscription). The installer(s) you download need an internet connection to download files from Evernote or Mozilla or whatever app you are installing. If you are setting up a new computer with all of your favorite apps, browsers and other essentials, This is definitely a site you will want to keep in mind. If you are setting up computers very regularly, the pro subscription has some features to make your job easier and faster. Here is a link to the page talking about the Ninite Pro paid version if you need more features. For my personal needs the free version works fantastic. How many clicks does it take you to install an application? As a comparison, I counted to see. It took me 16 clicks to install 1 program (CCleaner) right from I installed 4 apps (2 apps are from the same company who makes CCleaner) using Ninite in 6 clicks. What other time savers do you have when setting up a new computer?