Using Your Computer to Remove Duplicate Songs

Thanks to the hard work of some developers, there are a number of different programs online that will remove the duplicates from your device for free. For example, Jose M. Perez – whose main focus is building apps that extend Spotify’s functionality – has created the Spotify Dedup: a website which easily lets you get rid of duplicates from your playlist. Here’s how to get started. If you have any issues with the program listed above, here’s a link to another that works well. The steps are quite similar to the ones described above. You simply have to log in with your Spotify account, then allow the site to process your data. Once everything is done, you have the option to “Clean all” playlists or remove just certain songs. It’s a quick and easy method, but you can always do it manually, with the optimal method to do so listed below.

Removing Spotify Duplicate Songs Manually

It may take a little longer, but you can easily delete the songs manually from your playlist on your computer. (Within reason – it will take forever if you have thousands of songs on your playlist.)

1. Can I remove Spotify playlist duplicates using my mobile device?

You can. Just keep in mind there are no dedicated apps to achieve this. You can, however, access one of the websites we linked above from your browser and proceed from there. Since you’re already logged in to your Spotify app, you won’t have to do so in a browser.

2. Does this apply to Blend playlists?

It doesn’t. Blend playlists are special playlists that mix together your tastes with that of a friend’s. You can’t add additional songs to these playlists, which means you don’t really need to worry about this issue.

3. How can I continue to enhance my playlist experience in Spotify?

There are many ways to expand your Spotify experience. Start by learning how to change a Spotify playlist picture on Android and transfer a Spotify playlist to Apple Music. Spotify has revolutionized how we consume music, and it’s nice to know that there are a few easy ways to get rid of duplicate tracks on the same playlist. On the other hand, if you want to try something else, you might want to take a look at our list of the best Spotify alternatives. We also recommend reading all about creating Spotify codes to share songs with others.