This Windows-based news-reader will run in the background of your PC and continually monitor websites RSS feeds for you. When it senses that something new has appeared or changed on your preferred sites, it will immediately let you know. Awasu, your new eyes and ears will watch what’s happening around the globe and let you know about events almost as soon as they happen, eliminating the wasting of time while surfing the web.

Additional Features & Services

With Awasu you’re not limited to just news services, you can keep an eye on the current weather in New York, the latest sales data in let’s say London, or which band is playing at your favorite place soon. Utilizing its powerful plug-in architecture, Awasu is easily customizable to monitor absolutely anything at all. Awasu comes with a sample Java program that lets you monitor a database. For example, if you wanted to keep track of stock levels in your warehouse’s inventory database per say, it’s possible. It’s also easy to write a plug-in that talks to it and feeds the results back into Awasu for quick and convenient viewing. This application also allows you to hook into the flow of information to perform your own custom actions. You can analyze the information as it arrives by reading it or quickly making note of it, then send out an email or SMS message to someone informing them on the RSS feed of your choice.

The Conclusion of Awasu

With Awasu you’re no longer restricted to only using the web browser tool, you can monitor information as it arrives from your selected feeds, view it and then respond to it as well through the use of comments on the site from which the feeds originated from. Awasu is free and it seems as though it arrives at your desktop with endless possibilities of adding hundreds and thousands of feeds.