BumpTop is a software that transforms your desktop into a fun and intuitive 3D desktop. It allows you to maximize your screen real estate by providing several walls that you can pin your stuffs onto and also keeps you organized and stay productive with several useful file/folder management tricks. BumpTop is currently available for Windows and Mac. Linux users, I am sorry, you have no luck here. After you have downloaded and installed BumpTop, it will set itself to autolaunch whenever you start up your computer. When it launches, it will take over your traditional desktop and transform it to a 3D interface with a desktop and 3 walls (imagine a room with 3 walls).

At the first run, BumpTop will run you through a tutorial on the usage (drag left, right, up and down) and various features (files piling, grid arrangement, social media stuffs etc) of the application.

Things that you can do with BumpTop

Piling up similar files

For those who have a messy desktop, you can now get it organize by grouping similar files in a pile. To create a pile, you just have to right click your mouse and select Pile By -> By Type.

To group different kind of files in a pile, you can first drag them together, then draw a circle around them and select Create Pile from the popup option.

To view your files in the pile, double click the pile and all your files will fan out in a grid manner.

Useful widgets

There are some interesting and useful widgets that you can place on your wall. The most useful ones are the Facebook, Email and Twitter widget. The Facebook widget allows you to view photos, upload your status and upload your photos. It doesn’t allow you to view the update from your friends though.

Similarly, the Twitter widget allows you to tweet from the desktop. One cool thing is that you can even drag your photos into the widget and get it updated to your Twitter. Same as the Facebook widget, you are not able to see the tweets from your friends.

Change Icon size

If you have plenty of files/folders/shortcuts on your desktop, most of the time, you might have to look through all the files just to locate that particular one you are looking for. One cool feature about BumpTop is that you can shrink/grow your file icon to be bigger than the rest and make it more prominent. This allows you to pinpoint the important files easily.


What is the use of BumpTop if it doesn’t allow you to dress up your desktop? Luckily, it comes with a theme feature where you can switch the skin to your favorite wallpaper. For those who are not into designing, you can download ready made themes and apply them to your desktop. Alternatively, you can create your custom theme and apply different design to each of the wall.

Multitouch support

This is really the best among all. The latest version of BumpTop comes with multi-touch support for both Windows 7 and Mac. If you have a computer that support the Windows 7 multi-touch feature, you can now use your finger to drag the icons around. For Mac, BumpTop works with the magic mouse multi-touch feature, which means you can pinch, swipe and zoom into your desktop with your fingers. There are plenty of desktop enhancement software out there, but I think BumpTop is really a notch ahead of the rest. Its performance is great and with the multi-touch support, there is really no other software that comes close. BumpTop comes in both Free and Pro version. The Pro version costs $29.